I saw a shadow walking in front of me…
I wore a flowing white gown on me…
I saw a field full of lavender in front of me…
I walked past those lavenders just to
reach the shadow in front of me…

I couldn’t reach it but I could have reached it…
I have no idea why I couldn’t reach it…
I heard a sweet melody from no where and then
I realized that I heard from that shadow in front of me…

I followed it until I could properly see who it was…
I continued following it, I could have reached it but
I couldn’t even touch that shadow in front of me…
I felt it would be wonderful for me to be with…

I blinked my eyes after a long pause, when
I opened my eyes, I found myself alone in the field
Without any shadow in front of me except for lavenders
The shadow was gone and I didn’t hear the song too…

I realized that I am always or supposed to be alone
In this freaking world without anyone but i wondered
What was that shadow? Who was that shadow?
But I liked that shadow that was in front of me…